Season with No Reason

Exoteric ((adj.) suitable for or communicated to the general public: not belonging, limited, or pertaining to the inner or select circle, as of disciples or intimates: popular, simple, common place
Emulation ((n.) effort or desire to equal or excel others: jealous rivalry)

Use at least 10 of the words to create a story or poem
The words can appear in an alternate form
Use the words in any order that you like.
Tag: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Wordle

“Easement of any edge…” Raul pauses midthought. “Enough of a gap for evil to extract its ethereal control.”

“So exoteric ideas gain entry from afar, elsewhere to exact which emulsion?” Clyde plays along.
“The brain is the only equipment need to erase logic.” Raul is as tired of the political season as the partisan play that accompanys it.

FFAW – Outdated

This week’s photo prompt is provided by Yarnspinnerr. Thank you Yarnspinnerr!

Whirl, whirl, whirl

The slightly lopsided sound gently rings through the pavilion. Steamy air rolled into more humid air.

A few workers mill about. Innocently.
I know they are here to replace me.

Their heavy gaze from their empty eyes look upon me. They wait to be lifted up to teach me. Their grimy wrenches and chipped screwdrivers in holsters. Instruments of destruction on display for all to see.

My elegant blades spin like the millions of times before. I take a subtle dip here and there. But push the thick air around. I create breezes.

They don’t know I can sense my replacement. Its image gleams on the cardboard box. Fat, pudgy palm tree blades… how well the snow will cling to them in winter.

Still I spin my elegant blades.

Still they wait to tear me down.

139 words

Wordle – Nighttime

Week 180

1. Nullify

2. Gnarl

3. Octave

4. Negligence

5. Parasite

6. Peal

7. Leash

8. Muscle

9. Misrepresent

10. Boketto (to gaze vacantly into the distance without thinking)

11. Nightmare

12. Graveyard

Use at least 10 of the words to create a story or poem

The words can appear in an alternate form

Use the words in any order that you like.

Tag: Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie and Wordle

Nightmares gnarl at my backside. Like some parasite invading every muscle. It nullifies my sleep, misrepresenting my souls graveyard. Negligence keeps its tight leash about my neck. Bells peal calling yet leaving me in boketto.

FFAW – Twist of Fate

“Sean, you’re heading for trouble. I can help.” Beau nervously dances at his feet.

“Who are…what the hell?!” Sean looks at his feet and sees a grasshopper with corsage.

“Do not get in the car! Bad travel time.” Beau keeps his blue eyes locked on his target.

“You are a grasshopper. What do you know about cars and driving?” Sean shakes the keys in his hand “Is it crazier to listen to cricket or worry about it.”

“I’m a grasshopper. Fate is yours. Advice is mine.” Beau dances side to side.

“I’m not listening to a bug!” Sean spits toward his talkative bug. “I’m out of here!”

Sean stomps near Beau. Beau jumps away.

Sean jumps in his sports car. He drives along his apartment building out the alleyway. The garbage truck doesn’t see him.

Beau hops up on the brick wall after he hears a crash. “They never listen!”

151 words

Ghost in the Condo – FFAW

“Mr Allen, we have your complaint about strange noises.” A dead voice of a bored man spills out of the phone.

“I’m one of twelve people with the same noises, the same lights! It’s hard to sleep with all this going on! Do you happen to live here?!” Martin yells into his cell phone.

“Mr Allen, we have your complaint about strange noises.” A dead voice of a bored man spills out of the phone.

“I’m one of twelve people with the same noises, the same lights! It’s hard to sleep with all this going on! Do you happen to live here?!” Martin yells into his cell phone.

“Well, sir. Your complaint is important to us..” the voice drones

“No! It’s not important to anyone not living here!” Martin spits venom”Listen, you idiot! I hear loud noises that go wa-WA-wa-WA-wa-WA then a popping sound. Then more rapid noises for ten seconds. Multicolored ghosts run across my windows! ”

“Sir! It’s just a Pacman game. The promotion goes on for three more days. How old are you? Don’t you know the damn game!” The voice stops

185 words (using few extra unused from previous challenges)

Farewell – Photo Challenge #180

Dear People,

My time has come. You’ve spent eons trying to understand me. I have wrote my messages in blood, white chalk, paint and tried digital for awhile. The whole was “the End is near”. With humanity it always was. Every sense of fear created conquest, war, famine and death. My saddlecloth changes and your names do, as well. In my bid adieu, I cast the last light upon the end of your path.

My nature is much that of your languages. The ability to redefine what it is the I may be. In a final attempt to reveal the truth, I appear as I should to your modern words. You may not look upon my face, lest you may remember my true name. Your time for heroics past. Like your history and adherse to the myths of belief, you will rise into the air as dust.

Farewell. My efforts to teach you the importance of tomorrow and banding together have failed. Tomorrow, finally will come. Remember how you wanted to live your last day. It’s close.