Pineapple Sangria

I have entered my mad scientist phase once more. It’s ok. I’m have a chemistry background & I like to drink.

So i find a Gallo Pineapple wine (a blend with favoring). It being tropical drink night, well what does one do? Find pineapple juice, rum & some kind of juice…and play.

Sangria is wine with sweetness and alcohol. Playing with a white wine means lighter alcohol. Rum, flavored or unflavored, it is the prefect choice.

Cherry Brandy had a great mild taste to complement the pineapple. I had a Dole Orange Strawberry Banana drink to use. Banana was flavor I needed. Orange would have worked, as a Triple Sec liquor would add same orange tone. But we want at least 2 distinct flavors to give full flavor. Tasting alcohol is not the goal here. So we honey.

So what do I have here. For 2 large wine glasses the recipe follows:

Take a shaker

Add 2 shots of rum

1 shot of cherry brandy

2 oz pineapple juice

2 oz of Orange Strawberry Orange

1/2 tablespoon of honey

Shake these till they foam.

Take wine glasses fill 1/3 with crushed ice & pour wine to level of ice. Add the mix from the shaker. Enjoy.

Cranberry Sauce

An easy Turkey staple in four pimeces! We start with a bag of whole cranberries. They are thrown in a colander and sprayed. In saucepan, I mix a cup of OJ, 3/4 cup of brown sugar, a tablespoon of honey, and the cranberries. Bring the put to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes stirring frequently. When almost every berry pops open move put to place to chill. Once they can be put in bowl refrigerate for 1 hour or freezer for 1/2 hour. This is about six average servings of about 1/2 cup.

For those calorie counters, adding up the ingredients there’s about 115 calories per serving

Kiwi Strawberry Smoothie 


The Kitchen Sink Smoothie almost!  Ok, I’m using bits and pieces here.  I need to use a kiwi and a couple bananas.  But where to go here?  How about strawberries, grapes, substituting spring mix for spinach and kale? It’s that or go shopping.

Mad Scientist List:

One Kiwi (very ripe with skin)

Twelve Strawberries

One Cup Red Grapes

Two Bananas

Two handfuls Spring Salad Mix

2/3 Cup Vanilla Whey Powder

1 1/2 Cup Almond Milk

Start with the almond milk, spring mix and whey powder in blender.  Purée until completely smooth.  Add the kiwi  sliced into quarters and the grapes blending into smooth. Finish with the bananas and halved strawberries.  If you are drink it immediately freeze the bananas and use frozen strawberries.

Pear Banana Smoothie

We are playing with ingredients now. So I have greens, bananas and strawberries.  But I have an industrial size jug of vanilla whey powder.  So today’s is all about get through til tomorrow.  

The mad scientist list:

Two handfuls of spinach and mixed lettuce

1 1/2 cups of Almond milk

One Banana

One cup of Frozen Strawberries 

Two Pears

Half of a lemon.

One scoop of Vanilla Whey Powder 

This will yield 50 ounces of smoothie.  The whey will thicken the smoothie. I will add another half cup of water tomorrow as it will thicken overnight.  The greens and milk blended first until smooth.  Then add the fruit.  It will be extremely smooth compared to others.

Pear Pineapple Smoothie

New flavor combo!  New colors!  Pears make great smoothies. Of course, coconut water and pineapple mixes well with oranges.   This green color is probably due to spinach, but the flavor is well hidden.
The mad scientist list:

Two handfuls of Spinach

Two small Pears

Two small Oranges

One cup cubed Pineapple

1/2 liter Coconut Water

Two tablespoons Flaxseed Powder

Pink Lemonade PreWorkout Powder

For best texture, blend spinach and coconut water smooth first.  I added orange and pineapple, then finished with pear and powders.  This made 1.75 liters or about 58 ounces.  If you are drinking them the next day you will want to add an extra half cup water.

Avocado Orange Smoothie


On some bizarre planet, the word diet precedes vacation.   Here it leads into vacation and haunts you afterwards.  That being said, my smoothie journey continues.  We have reached the “it sounds like a good idea” stage.   This is where someone else says “the avocado is going bad” and “can’t you make something with it”.

So praying to the saint of lost causes for guidence.  St Francis, I hope. It’s been a long time since I had a Catholic woman in my life to tell me which saint was appropriate for which occasion.

Caution to the wind. Avocado being halved and skin.

The mad scientist list:

Two handfuls of greens
1/2 Avocado  (peeled, seeded, & sliced)
Two Oranges  (peeled & sectioned)
One cup Grapes
One cup Strawberries
One Banana
1 1/2 cups Almond Milk
Two tablespoons Flaxseed Powder
Tablespoon Pink Lemonade powder

OK its green!   Really green!  This made 54 ounces or about 1.75 liters.  Is came out fairly thick, you may wish to add 1/2 more water or green tea.

As usual. Blend greens and liquid smooth before adding fruit.   I used frozen strawberries and added them at end with powdered ingredients.   Different taste due to avocado.  Which is lost in the citrus part.   Very filling stuff here.