Wordle – Night Moves


1. bough
2. distils [*alternate spelling of distills]
3. owls
4. musk [a strong-smelling reddish-brown substance that is secreted by the male musk deer for scent-marking and is an important ingredient in perfumery| a relative of the monkey flower that was formerly cultivated for its musky perfume, which has been lost in the development of modern varieties| *late Middle English: from late Latin muscus, from Persian mušk, perhaps from Sanskrit muṣka ‘scrotum’ (because of the similarity in shape of a musk deer’s musk bag)]
5. viol [a musical instrument of the Renaissance and baroque periods, typically six-stringed, held vertically and played with a bow]
6. stained
7. swagger
8. sodden
9. strike
10. tinctured [be tinged, flavored, or imbued with a slight amount of| denoting a dye or pigment|‘imparted quality,’ likened to a tint imparted by a dye]
11. cowslip [a European primula with clusters of drooping fragrant yellow flowers in spring, growing on dry grassy banks and in pasture]
12. villain

The owls swagger within the boughs of the apple tree. Their song reminiscent of a viol. It strikes a nerve like a villain.

My nightly trek. Moonlight harvesting of cowslip for tinctured distils. Instead my sweat sodden clothes smell of cheap musk. This night stains my mind. There something unnatural about.

10 thoughts on “Wordle – Night Moves

  1. Another wonderfully precise and well honed wordle Mark. I really like the tension and edge – how the song is like a viol and it strikes a chord like a villain – this is choice! This piece just glows – and I like the ending – the line – the night stains my mind. Definitely does the trick!

    Thanks for playing the wordle this week Mark 🙂 As always, a pleasure to read 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL – not because it’s particularly funny “haha” but because I understand – sometimes you sit there and think, “what?” and it’s all a jumble, but you did a great job with it, even if it wasn’t easy at first. 🙂


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