23 thoughts on “Another poem published 

  1. Congrats again. I’m sure you can get you poetry published in many places — it’s too good not to be. Spillwords is a good venue for you — they like what you write and I’m sure many people read it there.
    Congrats again.

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    1. PS: It must be a wonderful feeling to be published. Wish I could get to that level of writing, Just not the poet folks like you and the others I read (mostly published I’m sure) are.

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      1. I have yet to get the fiction stuff accepted. I think you can get something published as well. I only try stuff that gets really strong responses


      2. I don’t often get those kinds of responses, so I don’t have a measure. Just when I read what others write, I feel embarrassed about most of what I post. Just not up to the standards out there on blogs, let alone publications.

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      3. I figure for every 30 things I write, one might get to where I can think of submitting. I actually rewrite somethings (hard for me as I think the feelings change). You have ideas that come through the words. I think you should grab one you could not write fast enough and see what spillwords.com thinks. 😀


      4. Can’t think of anything good enough. I write in the raw, and I self-edit. Prose and poetry. Just depends. Ideas don’t snap as much lately — things that write themselves without my interference — from subconscious to fingers to screen. Doesn’t have as much lately — having troubles with writing, but that’s my problem, not proper for a comment string on your publications.

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      5. The comment strings work rather well. Part of the charm is neither of us know where it may end up. That’s my writing style to a tee. I let things drift, as long as I start or end well no one notices.


    2. Thank you you darling. I’m comfortable with them. Of course, I’d prefer to push the boundaries a bit. it’s great that they even work with images, they didn’t like my first two and added the posted image


      1. The posted image works well — I just assumed it was one of yours. Amanda gets published in a lot of places — her suggestions might push those boundaries. Yes, I do read comment strings.

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      2. I added the image back to the Flintstones car. I’m going to try another place just to see where I am. I never thought poetry was my calling, but more suspense fiction.


      3. Well, maybe your calling will be suspense fiction. But your poetry is exceptional and is finding an audience on your blogs and with publishers, so go for it now. The suspense fiction stuff will get published too. You’ve been very poetic of late, so go with that for now. Good luck with your other poetry outlet — I’m sure you will be published there too.

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      4. I need a good image or line to hook my poetry together. I think I’m more lucky than good because I rely on imagery. As long as I get the image down, my poetry works. Of course, being a writer you always know once a year you write exactly what you want it to be…then no one gets it.


      1. They’re awesome. Keep working with spillwords for sure 🙂 Your poetry is very good you shouldn’t have trouble publishing 🙂

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      2. It’s probably a good idea. You know the ones you’ve put the most work into. I apply to quite a few places and sometimes I quickly send one off and that’s a mistake. Sometimes I get a rejection reply back and I look at the poem and think, “What was I thinking, this is horrible!” So it’s good to be sure and take your time. I can give you the names of some other places to try sending your poetry if you like? SpillWords is by far my fav 🙂

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      3. Sure, I’ll take any help I can get. I have a few that I was going to go back to spillwords.com with but maybe good to expand my horizons a bit. Thanks 😀

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